Opened 12 years ago

#259 new defect

Putting sub lines in .owl/startup results in confusing startup failure

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: zephyr Keywords:


If you ever need to stop your nemesis from ever being on Zephyr again, tell them to write :startup sub foo. Their future BarnOwl startups will fail with confusing error messages:

Error subbing to <foo,*,>: Unknown code kv5m 36
Error subscribing.
Error subscribing to default zephyr notifications: SERVNAK received.
Error subscribing to zephyr notifications: SERVNAK received
Error loading zephyr subscriptions
Unable to set exposure level: Server could not verify authentication.

and then trying to :sub bar yields:

Error subbing to <bar,*,>: SERVNAK received
Error subscribing.

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