Opened 8 years ago

#293 new task

Bump required version of GLib

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: internals Keywords:


We use GLIB_CHECK_VERSION in a bunch of places; we can now remove many of them.

Quoting Alex at

I think that a reasonable rule of thumb for version support[1] is "Do all supported versions of Ubuntu and Debian include a new enough version?", which this appears to satisfy: Wheezy has 2.32 (I think) ( and Trusty has 2.40 ( You don't need to remove the <2.32 support, but you can if you want to in a follow-on PR.

[1] I think we can be stricter -- I wouldn't be opposed to "dialups and the most recent Debian and Ubuntu LTS versions at least six months old", or something -- but this definitely seems fine. I guess I'm potentially open to an RHEL requirement too.

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