Opened 16 years ago

#88 new defect

OneLine mode fails on some zephyr markup

Reported by: adehnert@MIT.EDU Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: ui Keywords:


Due to the limited space, OneLine mode handles some Zephyr markup poorly.

For example:

 :zwrite -c adehnert -i @(@color(white)foo)
 :zwrite -c adehnert -i foo


   < adehnert      wh adehnert     Test
   < adehnert      foo         adehnert     Test

The column alignment is off, and the coloring didn't take.

I feel vaguely like we want a Zephyr-formatting-aware variant of sprintf to put in to perl/lib/BarnOwl/Style/ around lines 61 and 70, instead of the current stock version, which cuts things off strangely.

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