
Version 1 (modified by, 13 years ago) (diff)


BarnOwl 1.7 release notes

The BarnOwl Developers are pleased to announce the release of BarnOwl
version 1.7. In addition to new features, it contains security fixes
on top of BarnOwl 1.6.

It has been installed in the Athena locker, and you can download it
from the website [1] or get the source from Github [2]. BarnOwl 1.7
contains various bug fixes and new features, including:

* Several quoting bugs in filter generation have been fixed, which
  allowed a message to crash BarnOwl or call an arbitrary perl
  function when narrowed.

* The Twitter module has been merged in.

* :unsub should no longer fail when .zephyr.subs is a symlink, thanks
  to new developer Jason Gross.

* The editwin now supports soft line-wrapping. edit:maxwrapcols and
  edit:maxfillcols no longer forcibly take the width of the screen
  into account.

* BarnOwl now has an ncurses-based windowing system to replace our old
  ad-hoc code. As a result, the popwin should now resize appropriately
  when your terminal does. Resizes should also flicker less on slow

* When displaying keymaps, :show now displays ancestor keymaps as well.

* Tabs in incoming messages display better.

* It is now possible to search in popless windows. Default keybindings
  should configure /, ?, n, and N to act similarly to less.

* There is now a built-in random_zephyr_signature function. Set
  zsigfunc to BarnOwl::random_zephyr_signature and place your zsigs in

The full Changelog is available online [3].

Thank you for using BarnOwl, and we hope you enjoy the new release. As
usual, any bug reports, questions, or feature requests can be directed
to the developers at <>.

- David Benjamin
for the BarnOwl developers
