
Version 1 (modified by, 13 years ago) (diff)


BarnOwl 1.8.1 release notes

After much excessive sitting on patches, the BarnOwl developers are
pleased to announce that they have hatched into BarnOwl version
1.8.1. Although the egg is slightly squashed from all the sitting, the
little owlet appears to be in reasonably good health.

Ahem. Right. BarnOwl 1.8.1 is a security and bugfix release on top of
BarnOwl 1.8.

It has been installed in the Athena locker, and you can download it
from the website [1] or get the source from Github [2]. BarnOwl 1.8.1
fixes the following bugs:

* Fix a denial of service when receiving empty zcrypted messages,
  found by Alex Dehnert.

* Fix a denial of service when receiving a zephyrgram with an
  excessive number of fields, found by Luke Faraone.

* Remove ^noc from the default reply-lockout filter.

* Fix typo in unbindkey usage text, by new contributor Betsy Riley.

* Correctly handle invalid filters passed to :view -d.

* Fix a memory leak when sending a zcrypted message.

* Display foreign realms in the default style.

* Numerous fixups in handling personal vs non-personal zwrites. In
  particular, cross-realm public zwrites will no longer send pings.

The full Changelog is available online [3].

Thank you for using BarnOwl, and we hope you enjoy the new release. As
usual, any bug reports, questions, or feature requests can be directed
to the developers at <>.

- David Benjamin
for the BarnOwl developers
