Changeset b18151c for ChangeLog

Dec 3, 2016, 6:34:31 PM (7 years ago)
Adam Glasgall <>
master, release-1.10
370d94d, 9aed96d
Adam Glasgall <> (12/03/16 16:50:20)
Adam Glasgall <> (12/03/16 18:34:31)
BarnOwl 1.10rc1
1 edited


  • ChangeLog

    r6f87658 rb18151c  
     2 * Numerous autotools/build machinery fixes
     3 * Numerous code correctness and simplification/cleanup fixes
     4 * Add and use a cpanfile documenting perl module dependencies
     5 * Add Travis configuration
     6 * Avoid strchrnul
     7 * Numerous IRC fixes
     8 * Improve smartnarrow and smartfilter documentation
     9 * filterproc: Rewrite using GIOChannel
     10 * Implement :twitter-favorite
     11 * Kill the client-side tweet length check.
     12 * squelch the Twitter legacy_list_api warnings
     13 * Use SSL for Twitter by default
     14 * Humanize zsigs
     15 * Show Zephyr charset in info popup
     16 * Fix Jabber SRV record support (at one point fixed connecting via jabber to google talk or facebook)
     17 * fix cmd_join in BarnOwl/Module/
     18 * Add a ~/.owl/ircchannels file, persist channels
     19 * Added hooks for user going idle or active.
     20 * Support channel-or-user IRC commands, and setup irc-msg to use it.
     21 * Refactor perl calls through a single method
     22 * Really support building Perl modules from a separate builddir
     23 * Get rid of all our embedded copies of Module::Install
     24 * Don't let new_variable_* overriding previously set values
     25 * Messages sent to 'class messages' are not personal
     26 * Expose message_matches_filter to perl
     27 * Fail fast on -c filsrv, which most people won't have permission to send to
     28 * zcrypt: Use getopt_long for argument parsing
     29 * zcrypt: Accept -help and --version
     30 * barnowl --help: Write to stdout and exit successfully
     31 * Don't swallow errors in :unsuball
     32 * Allow testing in a separate build directory
     33 * Add support for arbitrary Perl subs for getters and setters for barnowl variables
     34 * owl_zephyr_loadsubs: Don’t leak memory on error opening ~/.zephyr.subs
     35 * Make :loadsubs reload instanced personals too
     36 * Fix some undefined behavior in filter.c, caught by clang scan-build
     37 * Die on a failed zephyr_zwrite; don't silently ignore it
     38 * Fix a memory leak in zcrypt.c, caught by clang scan-build
     39 * zcrypt: Make gpg stop messing around in ~/.gnupg
     40 * Fix display of pseudologins
     41 * Unbundle random Facebook module libraries
     42 * Replace deprecated GLib < 2.31.0 APIs
     43 * Abstract g->interrupt_lock
     44 * zephyr: Replace outgoing default format with a small URL
    247 * Update Jabber module for Net::DNS changes
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