Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 116)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#85 nygren@MIT.EDU fixed incorporate Twitter functionality into main owl distribution

Enough people are using the Twitter module that it may make sense to put it into the main owl distribution.

If we do, we'll need to improve the behavior on sending messages over 140 characters first to at least present a warning. Given the poor error handling of the twitter server, we should also give a clear indication as to whether each post succeeded or failed.

#95 nelhage@MIT.EDU nygren@MIT.EDU new editwin had message-sending regression with . followed by only blank lines

A common case that seems to happen with editing messages results in some extra spaces or newlines at the end of a message buffer, and with the user cursoring up into the message and then ending with a "." on a line by itself. In this case, there may be lines after the "."-line which contain only whitespace (and are thus content-free and invisible to the user). In the previous version of the editwin, we allowed a "." on a line by itself to terminate-and-send a message if the subsequent lines contained only whitespace.

#96 nygren@MIT.EDU fixed keybindings for sending to a user often results in mixes as not added to command history

I've found that having a keybinding such as:

bindkey recv H command aimwrite aphacker

often results in me mixing messages to people. I'm not sure if other have the same problem? When I press "H" and send a message, I sometimes subsequently try to send a message to the same user with "M-x CURSORUP RETURN" (which is how I usually send to other users that I've just sent a message to). However, as the "aimwrite aphacker" is not added to the command history, I send a mix to the previous person I'd been conversing with. This has been embarrassing at least once.

I wonder what a good way to address this would be? Perhaps a prefix command that adds a command to the history prior to executing it? For example:

bindkey recv H command with-history aimwrite aphacker

would add "aimwrite aphacker" to the command history and then run that command?

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