

Aug 28, 2011:

5:58 PM Changeset [8a13ea3] by Anders Kaseorg <andersk@mit.edu>
Show foreign realms on non-personal zephyrs like Owl did Signed-off-by: Anders Kaseorg <andersk@mit.edu>

Aug 18, 2011:

1:21 PM Ticket #199 (Don't send -O ping to -c message -i personal) created by kchen@mit.edu
I'm guessing this bug still exists, since -c message -i personal …

Aug 15, 2011:

11:32 PM Ticket #198 (Recovery instructions for ticket-failed messages) created by rlhatton@mit.edu
Currently, barnowl offers no instruction to the user of how to recover …

Aug 7, 2011:

6:20 AM Ticket #197 (BarnOwl sometimes segfaults on $m->delete_and_expunge called from the ...) created by jgross@mit.edu
If you call $m->delete_and_expunge with the object passed to the …

Aug 3, 2011:

7:08 PM Ticket #196 (Tab completion is incorrect after `:set $variable-name `) created by jgross@mit.edu
When you tab after :set $valid-variable-name , you get -q. The …
7:06 PM Ticket #195 (Completion for `:set` should provide appropriate options for bool and ...) created by jgross@mit.edu
Currently, we provide completion for variable names for :set, but …
6:55 PM Changeset [6edc38b] by Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>
Complete unstartup command just like startup command
6:49 PM Ticket #194 (Tabbing at the beginning of a command with words after it adds space) created by jgross@mit.edu
If I tab from the middle of a command that is already completed, for …

Aug 1, 2011:

11:28 PM Changeset [0071c88] by David Benjamin <davidben@mit.edu>
Restore correct semantics of message 'time' attribute This rewrites part of 4ebbfbc5360fa004637dd101f5a0c833cdccd60a. We can't replace every instance of ctime with a user-formatted time, as the time attribute is not user-formatted. It is (unfortunately) the API for perl to override the timestamp and owl_perlconfig_hashref2message expects a particular format for strptime. We should not then flip the values around once they reach C. (Especially not a locale-dependent one.) Rename *_to_timestr functions to owl_util_format_* so it is clear the function should only be used for user-formatted times.

Jul 31, 2011:

1:55 AM Changeset [6ddeb17] by GitHub Merge Button <merge-button@github.com>
Merge 3b17b576fd1ea9cad1bfe24591b287425172db9a into 9078f69bca3842103a42b6ff02451b229988753a
1:53 AM Changeset [3b17b57]release-1.10release-1.9 by David Benjamin <davidben@mit.edu>
Kill owl_function_lastmsg_noredisplay Now that owl_window exists and owl_mainwin_redisplay merely sets a dirty flag, we don't have to care that it only gets called once. It's cheap.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.