

Aug 20, 2017:

5:53 PM Changeset [834dc31] by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@mit.edu>
Add tweet URL to the "i" popup AFAICT, the info popup just shows the attributes of the perl message object, so we set an otherwise-unused "url" attribute on the message. Sadly, I don't think there's a mechanism for displaying the return value of a method instead.
4:38 PM Changeset [1f69b54] by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@mit.edu>
Implement Twitter at-reply prefill semantics. Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <ezyang@cs.stanford.edu>
4:38 PM Changeset [38c584e] by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@mit.edu>
Fix quoting conventions for Twitter commands. Two bugs here: 1. The documentation incorrectly implies that arguments can be omitted, when really the argument parser is much dumber than that. If there are two optional arguments, you can't omit the first one and give the second one; that's ambiguous. 2. There is a codepath for replycmd when status_id is not set (this should be impossible) which passed wrong arguments. Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <ezyang@cs.stanford.edu>
4:38 PM Changeset [fb27b30] by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@mit.edu>
Give a hint about package provenance. Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <ezyang@cs.stanford.edu>
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.