Opened 16 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#63 closed defect (fixed)

zwriting multiple users looks like zwriting one user

Reported by: xavid@MIT.EDU Owned by: adehnert@MIT.EDU
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: ui Keywords:



zwrite foo bar

results in an entry like

   Zephyr sent to foo  13:38  (zsig)

which looks like it only actually got sent to the first recipient, though it does correctly go to all listed recipients.

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by adehnert@MIT.EDU

We have at least two ways to display "zwrite foo bar"

Option A:

Zephyr sent to foo 13:38 (zsig)


Zephyr sent to bar 13:38 (zsig)


This leaves us with a further choice: what happens if you reply to one of them?

# Replies to just the user under the cursor # Replies to both users

(1) seems more intuitive...

Option B:

Zephyr sent to foo bar 13:38 (zsig)


There are at least two ways to implement this:

# Put all recipients in the recipient field, probably separated by spaces # Put all recipients in a new recipients field, as a list or space-separated

(1) would probably be easier to do in the short term, but might cause bugs; (2) is probably more invasive but less bug-filled.


comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by adehnert@MIT.EDU

  • Owner changed from to adehnert@MIT.EDU

(And this is why you should preview...)

We have at least two ways to display "zwrite foo bar"

Option A:

    Zephyr sent to foo 13:38 (zsig)
    Zephyr sent to bar 13:38 (zsig)

This leaves us with a further choice: what happens if you reply to one of them?

  1. Replies to just the user under the cursor
  2. Replies to both users

(1) seems more intuitive...

Option B:

    Zephyr sent to foo bar 13:38 (zsig)

There are at least two ways to implement this:

  1. Put all recipients in the recipient field, probably separated by spaces
  2. Put all recipients in a new recipients field, as a list or space-separated

(1) would probably be easier to do in the short term, but might cause bugs; (2) is probably more invasive but less bug-filled.


comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by adehnert@MIT.EDU

Consensus via Zephyr seems to be Option A.1 (multiple zephyrs, replying goes just to the user under the cursor).

Further, CC'd messages should give "CC'd" as the pretty_recipient (consensus on this versus "multiple recipients" is a bit weaker). (Note that the information given by "i" on the message will be (arguably?) wrong (it will still display only one recipient), but I think that is okay.)

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
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