Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#179 Intelligently (refuse to) wordwrap lists new enhancement major
#180 Paste detection in wordwrap new enhancement major
#222 Warn on weak zcrypt keys new enhancement major
#223 Add reply-quoted command new enhancement major
#235 zcrypt: mass decryption new enhancement major
#241 Discourage sending to certain classes (reply -c $group-auto -> $group?) new enhancement major
#242 classlogging=on and loggingdirection=out is stupid and easy to do by mistake assigned defect major
#256 Make history more discoverable new enhancement major
#290 :suspend is dubious and should be documented as such new enhancement major
#291 Dumping large amounts to stderr shouldn't deadlock new defect major
#155 replycmd for instanced personals should put instance after user new defect minor
#221 Add script for generating zcrypt keys new enhancement minor
#255 jmuc needs tab completion new defect minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.